Silvia Rădulescu


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publications [2022/01/11 10:42] silviapublications [2023/02/21 13:07] (current) liviu
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 **Statistical Learning Conference** - San Sebastian, Spain\\ **Statistical Learning Conference** - San Sebastian, Spain\\
 **Poster** \\ **Poster** \\
-{{  :sansebastian_3.jpg?500|sansebastian_3.jpg}}{{:sansebastian_2019_poster_igrama_sradulescu_fwijnen_savrutin.pdf|Set Size Does Not Matter. Entropy Drives Rule Induction in Non-Adjacent Dependency Learning}}+{{:sansebastian_3.jpg?500|sansebastian_3.jpg}} 
 +{{:sansebastian_2019_poster_igrama_sradulescu_fwijnen_savrutin.pdf|Set Size Does Not Matter. Entropy Drives Rule Induction in Non-Adjacent Dependency Learning}}
 \\ \\
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-⇒ **September 2015{{  :sil_4816_1.jpg?direct&400x265|ASCII}}**- **Valletta, Malta** <font 14px/tahoma,geneva,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>//**Conference - Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing ** // : Valletta, Malta, 2015</font> \\+⇒ **September 2015{{  :sil_4816_1.jpg?direct&400x265|ASCII}}**- **Valletta, Malta** 
 + <font 14px/tahoma,geneva,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>//**Conference - Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing ** // : Valletta, Malta, 2015</font> \\
 \\ \\
 **Oral Presentation: {{:silviaradulescu_amlap2015_ruleinduction.pdf|Input Complexity and Rule Induction. An Entropy Model}}  ** \\ **Oral Presentation: {{:silviaradulescu_amlap2015_ruleinduction.pdf|Input Complexity and Rule Induction. An Entropy Model}}  ** \\
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-⇒ **September 2014** - **Edinburgh, UK** <font 14px/tahoma,geneva,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>//**Conference - Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing ** // : Edinburgh, UK, 2014</font>  ** {{  :amlap_sil_1.jpg?direct&240x293|amlap_sil_1.jpg}}** <font 14px/tahoma,geneva,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing]]</font>+⇒ **September 2014** - **Edinburgh, UK** 
 + <font 14px/tahoma,geneva,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>//**Conference - Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing ** // : Edinburgh, UK, 2014</font>  ** {{  :amlap_sil_1.jpg?direct&240x293|amlap_sil_1.jpg}}** 
 + <font 14px/tahoma,geneva,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing]]</font>
 **[[:abstract|Abstract]]**  / **{{:poster_amlap_2014_radulescu_wijnen_avrutin.pdf|Poster}}  **: **Limits and Variations of Linguistic Generalizations** \\ **[[:abstract|Abstract]]**  / **{{:poster_amlap_2014_radulescu_wijnen_avrutin.pdf|Poster}}  **: **Limits and Variations of Linguistic Generalizations** \\
-*please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author — //[[|Silvia Rădulescu]] 2015/07/26 21:13// <font 14px/tahoma,geneva,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>(An Artificial Grammar Study with Adults)</font>+*please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author — //[[|Silvia Rădulescu]] 2015/07/26 21:13// 
 + <font 14px/tahoma,geneva,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>(An Artificial Grammar Study with Adults)</font>
 ---- ----
-⇒ ** <font 14px/tahoma,geneva,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>March 2014</font>  **+⇒ ** 
 + <font 14px/tahoma,geneva,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>March 2014</font>  **
 **//Experimental Linguistics Talks Utrecht//**  (ELiTU – Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS) **//Experimental Linguistics Talks Utrecht//**  (ELiTU – Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS)