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Revisiting the Quantum Brain Hypothesis: Toward Quantum (Neuro)biology?
Molecular basis of brain plasticity and how neurons learn
How 'Quantum Cognition' Can Explain Humans' Irrational Behaviors
Poor short-term memory linked to inability to ignore distractions
When Did Humans Start To See The Color Blue?
A new glimpse into working memory
How Diversity Makes Us Smarter
The secret to desire in a long-term relationship
Education and the brain—what happens when children learn?
Antonio Damasio: The quest to understand consciousness
Gravitational waves, Einstein’s ripples in spacetime, spotted for first time VIDEO - The First Detection of Gravitational Waves
A wrinkle in space-time confirms Einstein’s gravitation
Spontaneous Decoding of the Timing and Content of Human Object Perception
Mammals shape their microbiome to prevent disease
NSNS|2015-GLOBAL-hoot|Leading theory of consciousness rocked by oddball study
Great Infographic Breaks Down The Top 5 Misconceptions About Evolution
Psychological Tricks You Can Use To Get People To Do Whatever You Want
The Math Mystery - documentary
Important Link between the Brain and Immune System Found
Brain activity and cognition: a connection from thermodynamics and information theory
Key element of human language discovered in bird babble
Songbirds have a thing for patterns
Promoting an open research culture
Creativity as self-organization
The free-energy principle: a unified brain theory?
A Theory of Everything - Deep Learning
New study hints at spontaneous appearance of primordial DNA - original paper
Creative genius driven by distraction
Physics instruction induces changes in neural knowledge representation
The Quest to Understand Consciousness, by Antonio Damasio
A TEDx Talk on Consciousness as a Pattern of Particles' Arrangement - in a nutshell
An integration of integrated information theory with fundamental physics
Microbiome and Neuroscience: The Mind-bending Power of Bacteria
Pruning of memories by context-based prediction error
Gut Bacteria May Guide the Workings of Our Minds
Five Amazing Discoveries in Brain Research in 2014 - in a nutshell
The Science of Van Gogh's Paintings
Long Term Memories May Not Be Stored In Synapses Afterall
This Physicist Has a Ground-breaking Idea about Why Life Exists - in a nutshell
Brain implants: Restoring memory with a microchip
— Silvia Rădulescu 2014/12/27 14:58