Silvia Rădulescu

Trace: publications


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October 5 - 8, 2018

Conference - fNIRS 2018 - Tokyo, Japan
Same processing costs for encoding sameness and difference in the developing brain. An fNIRS study with 6-7-month-olds
Same processing costs for encoding sameness and difference in the developing brain. An fNIRS study with 6-7-month-olds

*please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author

Silvia Rădulescu 2019/02/11 19:14

September 6 - 8, 2018

Conference - Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing - Berlin, Germany

When Attention Distraction Helps Rule Induction. An Entropy Model

Prize for Outstanding Presentation
Prize awarded by the SFB Information density and linguistic encoding at Saarland University

*please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author

Silvia Rădulescu 2019/02/11 19:14

Poster Item-Bound vs Category-Based Generalizations An Entropy Model

*please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author

Silvia Rădulescu 2019/02/11 19:14

September 7 - 9, 2017

Conference - Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing - Lancaster, UK img_2344.jpg
Talk Statistical Learning and Cognitive Constraints on Rule Induction. An Entropy Model
*please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author — — Silvia Rădulescu 2017/07/03 19:58
Tweeted #academiccrush

June 28 - 30, 2017

Statistical Learning Conference - Bilbao, Spain

Poster Statistical Learning and Cognitive Constraints on Rule Induction. An Entropy Model
*please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author — — Silvia Rădulescu 2017/07/03 19:58

March 3 - 5, 2016
CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing - University of Florida, Gainesville, USA

Talk: Input Complexity and Rule Induction. An Entropy Model
*please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author — Silvia Rădulescu 2016/01/30 18:18

November 2015

Experimental Linguistics Talks Utrecht (ELiTU – Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS)

Invited Speaker - Title of presentation: Input Complexity and Rule Induction. An Entropy Model

November 2015

Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication (ACLC – University of Amsterdam)

Invited Speaker - Title of presentation: Input Complexity and Rule Induction. An Entropy Model

September 2015ASCII

Conference - Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing : Valletta, Malta, 2015

Oral Presentation: Input Complexity and Rule Induction. An Entropy Model
*please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author — Silvia Rădulescu 2015/10/11 17:34

Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing

Abstract : Input Complexity and Rule Induction. An Entropy Model
*please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author — Silvia Rădulescu 2015/07/26 21:13

September 2014

Conference - Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing : Edinburgh, UK, 2014 amlap_sil_1.jpg

Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing]]

Abstract / Poster : Limits and Variations of Linguistic Generalizations
*please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author — Silvia Rădulescu 2015/07/26 21:13

(An Artificial Grammar Study with Adults)

March 2014

Experimental Linguistics Talks Utrecht (ELiTU – Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS)

Invited Speaker - Title of presentation: Patterns bit by bit. An Entropy Model for Linguistic Generalizations

September 2013

Language and Information Workshop – Utrecht University

Invited Speaker - Title of presentation: Resolving anaphora under uncertainty. An information-theoretic account to binding and co-reference

June 2013

Origins of Language – Research Meetings at the Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS – Utrecht University

Invited Speaker - Title of presentation: Remote dependencies in human languages and bird song

Silvia Rădulescu 2014/12/29 18:48