Silvia Rădulescu



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publications [2019/03/02 12:15] silviapublications [2023/02/21 13:07] (current) liviu
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 +**November 11, 2021 - article publication in Frontiers in Psychology Journal (peer-reviewed)**
 +**Paper: Silvia Radulescu, Areti Kotsolakou, Frank Wijnen, Sergey Avrutin and Ileana Grama (2021) [[|Fast But Not Furious. When Sped Up Bit Rate of Infomation Drives Rule Induction]]**
 +*please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author — //[[|Silvia Rădulescu]] 2022/01/11 11:06//
 +**Doctoral Dissertation**
 +**Silvia Radulescu (2021) [[|An Entropy and Noisy-Channel Model for Rule Induction]]**
 +*please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author — //[[|Silvia Rădulescu]] 2022/01/11 11:21//
 +**December 11, 2019** - **article publication in Language Learning and Development Journal (peer-reviewed)** \\
 +**Paper: [[|Silvia Radulescu, Frank Wijnen & Sergey Avrutin (2019) Patterns Bit by Bit. An Entropy Model for Rule Induction, Language Learning and Development, DOI: 10.1080/15475441.2019.1695620]]** \\
 +*please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author — //[[|Silvia Rădulescu]] 2019/02/11 22:06//
 +⇒ **October 24 - 26, 2019** - **Saarbruecken, Germany** \\
 +**Rational Approaches in Language Science Conference - RAILS 2018** - Saarbruecken, Germany\\
 +**Talk** \\
 +{{  :rails_foto.jpg?500|rails_foto.jpg}}{{:final_silviaradulescu_rails_saarbruecken_2019.pdf|Item-bound vs Category-based Generalizations. An Entropy Model}} \\
 +*please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author\\
 +— //[[|Silvia Rădulescu]] 2020/01/09 18:16//
 +⇒ **June 27 - 29, 2019** - **San Sebastian, Spain** \\
 +**Statistical Learning Conference** - San Sebastian, Spain\\
 +**Poster** \\
 +{{:sansebastian_2019_poster_igrama_sradulescu_fwijnen_savrutin.pdf|Set Size Does Not Matter. Entropy Drives Rule Induction in Non-Adjacent Dependency Learning}}
 +*please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author\\
 +— //[[|Silvia Rădulescu]] 2020/01/09 18:16//
 ⇒ **October 5 - 8, 2018** - **Tokyo, Japan** \\ ⇒ **October 5 - 8, 2018** - **Tokyo, Japan** \\
 \\ \\
-**Conference - fNIRS 2018** - Tokyo, Japan \\ +\\ 
-**Poster**\\ {{ :silvia_fnirs_lab.jpg?500|}} +**Conference - fNIRS 2018** - Tokyo, Japan\\ 
-{{:topublish_poster_radulescuavrutinwijnengervain_tokyo2018.pdf|Same processing costs for encoding sameness and difference in the developing brain. An fNIRS study with 6-7-month-olds}} \\ +**Poster** \\ 
-**Abstract**\\ +{{  :silvia_fnirs_lab.jpg?500}}{{:topublish_poster_radulescuavrutinwijnengervain_tokyo2018.pdf|Same processing costs for encoding sameness and difference in the developing brain. An fNIRS study with 6-7-month-olds}} \\ 
-{{:abstract_fnirs_tokyo_2018.pdf|Same processing costs for encoding sameness and difference in the developing brain. An fNIRS study with 6-7-month-olds}} \\+**Abstract** \\ 
 +{{:abstract_fnirs_tokyo_2018.pdf|Same processing costs for encoding sameness and difference in the developing brain. An fNIRS study with 6-7-month-olds}}
 \\ \\
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 — //[[|Silvia Rădulescu]] 2019/02/11 19:14//— — //[[|Silvia Rădulescu]] 2019/02/11 19:14//—
-\\ +
 ---- ----
-⇒ **September 6 - 8, 2018** - **Berlin, Germany**\\+ 
 +⇒ **September 6 - 8, 2018** - **Berlin, Germany** \\
 \\ \\
-**Conference - Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing** - Berlin, Germany \\ +**Conference - Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing** - Berlin, Germany\\ 
-{{ :amlap_2018_berlin.png?400|}} \\+{{  :amlap_2018_berlin.png?400}}\\
 **Talk** \\ **Talk** \\
-{{:topublish_amlap_2018_when_attention_distraction_helps_rule_induction.pdf|When Attention Distraction Helps Rule Induction. An Entropy Model}} \\+{{:topublish_amlap_2018_when_attention_distraction_helps_rule_induction.pdf|When Attention Distraction Helps Rule Induction. An Entropy Model}}
 **Prize for Outstanding Presentation** \\ **Prize for Outstanding Presentation** \\
-[[|Prize awarded by the SFB Information density and linguistic encoding at Saarland University]] \\+[[|Prize awarded by the SFB Information density and linguistic encoding at Saarland University]]
 *please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author *please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author
 — //[[|Silvia Rădulescu]] 2019/02/11 19:14//— — //[[|Silvia Rădulescu]] 2019/02/11 19:14//—
-**Poster** +**Poster** {{:topublish_amlap_2018_poster.pdf|Item-Bound vs Category-Based Generalizations An Entropy Model}} \\ 
-{{:topublish_amlap_2018_poster.pdf|Item-Bound vs Category-Based Generalizations An Entropy Model}} \\  +{{  :amlap2018_berlin_2.jpg?300|amlap2018_berlin_2.jpg}}\\ 
-{{ :amlap2018_berlin_2.jpg?300|}}\\ +*please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author\\
-*please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author \\+
 \\ \\
 — //[[|Silvia Rădulescu]] 2019/02/11 19:14//— — //[[|Silvia Rădulescu]] 2019/02/11 19:14//—
-\\ +
 ---- ----
-⇒ **September 7 - 9, 2017** - **Lancaster, UK**\\+ 
 +⇒ **September 7 - 9, 2017** - **Lancaster, UK** \\
 \\ \\
-**Conference - Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing** - Lancaster, UK {{  :img_2344.jpg?direct&400}}\\+**Conference - Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing** - Lancaster, UK\\
 **Talk** {{:amlap_2017_cognitive_constraints_on_rule_induction.pdf|Statistical Learning and Cognitive Constraints on Rule Induction. An Entropy Model}} \\ **Talk** {{:amlap_2017_cognitive_constraints_on_rule_induction.pdf|Statistical Learning and Cognitive Constraints on Rule Induction. An Entropy Model}} \\
 *please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author — — //[[|Silvia Rădulescu]] 2017/07/03 19:58// \\ *please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author — — //[[|Silvia Rădulescu]] 2017/07/03 19:58// \\
 [[|Tweeted #academiccrush]]\\ [[|Tweeted #academiccrush]]\\
 ---- ----
 \\ \\
-⇒ **June 28 - 30, 2017** - **Bilbao, Spain**\\+⇒ **June 28 - 30, 2017** - **Bilbao, Spain** \\
 {{  :sil_bilbao_2017_done.png?direct&400}}\\ {{  :sil_bilbao_2017_done.png?direct&400}}\\
 **Statistical Learning Conference** - Bilbao, Spain\\ **Statistical Learning Conference** - Bilbao, Spain\\
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-⇒ **March 3 - 5, 2016** - **University of Florida, Gainesville, USA**\\+⇒ **March 3 - 5, 2016** - **University of Florida, Gainesville, USA** \\
 {{  :sil_cuny_2016.jpg?direct&400x300|sil_cuny_2016.jpg}}\\ {{  :sil_cuny_2016.jpg?direct&400x300|sil_cuny_2016.jpg}}\\
 **CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing** - University of Florida, Gainesville, USA\\ **CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing** - University of Florida, Gainesville, USA\\
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-⇒ **September 2015{{  :sil_4816_1.jpg?direct&400x265|ASCII}}** - **Valletta, Malta** +⇒ **September 2015{{  :sil_4816_1.jpg?direct&400x265|ASCII}}**- **Valletta, Malta** 
- + <font 14px/tahoma,geneva,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>//**Conference - Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing ** // : Valletta, Malta, 2015</font> \\
-<font 14px/tahoma,geneva,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>//**Conference - Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing ** // : Valletta, Malta, 2015</font>\\+
 \\ \\
 **Oral Presentation: {{:silviaradulescu_amlap2015_ruleinduction.pdf|Input Complexity and Rule Induction. An Entropy Model}}  ** \\ **Oral Presentation: {{:silviaradulescu_amlap2015_ruleinduction.pdf|Input Complexity and Rule Induction. An Entropy Model}}  ** \\
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 ⇒ **September 2014** - **Edinburgh, UK** ⇒ **September 2014** - **Edinburgh, UK**
- + <font 14px/tahoma,geneva,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>//**Conference - Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing ** // : Edinburgh, UK, 2014</font>  ** {{  :amlap_sil_1.jpg?direct&240x293|amlap_sil_1.jpg}}** 
-<font 14px/tahoma,geneva,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>//**Conference - Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing ** // : Edinburgh, UK, 2014</font> ** {{  :amlap_sil_1.jpg?direct&240x293|amlap_sil_1.jpg}}** + <font 14px/tahoma,geneva,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing]]</font>
- +
-<font 14px/tahoma,geneva,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing]]</font>+
 **[[:abstract|Abstract]]**  / **{{:poster_amlap_2014_radulescu_wijnen_avrutin.pdf|Poster}}  **: **Limits and Variations of Linguistic Generalizations** \\ **[[:abstract|Abstract]]**  / **{{:poster_amlap_2014_radulescu_wijnen_avrutin.pdf|Poster}}  **: **Limits and Variations of Linguistic Generalizations** \\
 *please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author — //[[|Silvia Rădulescu]] 2015/07/26 21:13// *please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author — //[[|Silvia Rădulescu]] 2015/07/26 21:13//
- + <font 14px/tahoma,geneva,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>(An Artificial Grammar Study with Adults)</font>
-<font 14px/tahoma,geneva,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>(An Artificial Grammar Study with Adults)</font>+
 ---- ----
-⇒ **<font 14px/tahoma,geneva,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>March 2014</font> **+⇒ ** 
 + <font 14px/tahoma,geneva,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>March 2014</font>  **
 **//Experimental Linguistics Talks Utrecht//**  (ELiTU – Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS) **//Experimental Linguistics Talks Utrecht//**  (ELiTU – Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS)