Silvia Rădulescu

Trace: photography my_research

My research

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Research Project

Paper: Patterns Bit by Bit. An Entropy Model for Rule Induction

Talk: When Attention Distraction Helps Rule Induction. An Entropy Model

Abstract of the talk

*please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author — Silvia Rădulescu 2019/02/11 20:52

Poster - Abstract: Item-bound vs Category-based Generalizations. An Entropy Model

*please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author — Silvia Rădulescu 2019/02/11 20:52

Poster - Abstract: Same processing costs for encoding sameness and difference in the developing brain. An fNIRS study with 6-7-month-olds
please note this is copyrighted material, do not share, copy or distribute in any way without specific written permission from the author - Silvia Radulescu— — Silvia Rădulescu 2019/02/11 20:52

Shannon Entropy Calculator

Wolfram Alpha

Effect Size Calculator